
Lasse Berre (moderator)
Photographer, business leader and speaker
Lasse Berre has been one of Norway’s most recognized fashion and advertising photographers for more than 20 years.
Berre is educated at the Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California, USA. After his studies he moved to Los Angeles, where he worked as a photographer in fashion and advertising until 1996. Then he left California in favor of his hometown Trondheim, and founded Studio Lasse Berre – today known as BERRE Kommunikasjonsbyrå, where he works as general manager and advisor.

Marit Reitan
Pro Rector for Education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Marit Reitan is Pro-Rector for Education at NTNU from 1 august 2020.
The Pro-Rector for Education has the main responsibility for education at NTNU and ensuring the strategic development and quality within the educational area. She is the Chair of NTNU’s Education Committee and member of several education-related networks and groups. The Pro-Rector is also responsible for the university library.

Zane Cerpina
Curator and designer – Norway
Cooking in the Anthropocene – Recipes and opportunities for future catastrophes
Zane Cerpina is author, curator, designer, and artist working with the complexity of socio-political and environmental issues in contemporary society and in the age of the Anthropocene. Cerpina currently works as project manager/curator at TEKS – Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre. Her most recent large-scale research project maps the most innovative and creative takes on future food crises from technological, social, and cultural perspectives. The project has resulted in a publication The Anthropocene Cookbook: Recipes and Opportunities for Future Catastrophes, co-written with Stahl Stenslie and forthcoming at MIT Press, October 18, 2022.

Acacia Smith
Senior Policy Manager – Good Food Institute Europe – Belgium
Reimagining Protein: Policy and Enabling environment for Research in an Emerging Research Field
Acacia is a Senior Policy Manager at The Good Food Institute (GFI) Europe where she leads the work on securing public funding for sustainable protein research and development. She works with scientists, policymakers and other organisations across Europe to secure government funding for plant-based and cultivated meat innovation and to ensure an enabling environment for these sectors.
She is based in Brussels, Belgium, and has a 10 year background in environmental and climate change policy.

Deniz Koca (speaker and moderator)
Chairperson for LU Food Faculty – a university wide collaboration network, Lund University – Sweden
Sustainable food systems
Deniz holds a Ph.D. in Geobiosphere Science, M.Sc. in Environmental Studies & Sustainability Science, and B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering.
His main expertise lies in applied systems analysis, system dynamics modelling and facilitation of stakeholder participatory group modelling process. He has been involved in various transdisciplinary research projects with the main task of analyzing, interpreting, modelling, simulating and communicating alternative scenarios of complex dynamic environmental and socio-economic issues with a systems approach and within the sustainability criteria. Deniz has been teaching systems analysis and system dynamics modelling courses on undergraduate, gradute and post-graduate levels. Since 2017, Deniz is the Coordinator and Director of Studies of BIOECONOMY Graduate Research School within the CEC.
He is a Donella Meadows Fellow and member of the Balaton Group, also known as the International Network of Resource Information Centers (INRIC).

Kristina Widell
SINTEF Ocean – Norway
Kristina N. Widell is a senior research scientist at the research institute SINTEF Ocean in Trondheim, working in the department of fisheries and new biomarine industry. She works mainly with processing technology and systems for food industry, especially related to refrigeration. Examples of activities are improving product quality, increasing energy efficiency, increasing the share of natural refrigerants and reducing food waste.

Mie Bjune Gjetend
Project Manager, Norsk Kylling – Norway
Sustainable food value chain
Mie works as a project manager in the Department of Sustainable Innovation of Norsk Kylling. The department works on developing sustainable value chains based on unique and responsible products through a broad portfolio of green projects. Development of new feed ingredients for broiler production, with main focus on novel protein sources, is among the most important fields of work in our department.

Gisle Bakken
Project Manager, Norsk Kylling – Norway
Sustainable food value chain
Gisle works as a project manager in the Department of Sustainable Innovation of Norsk Kylling. The department works on developing sustainable value chains based on unique and responsible products through a broad portfolio of green projects.

Emilia Nordlund
Research Manager, VTT – Finland
VTT vision for the development of sustainable food system
Emilia works as a research manager at VTT Ltd, and is managing the research portfolio related to industrial biotechnology and food solutions. Her scientific expertise is in plant based ingredient and food technologies, and development of novel food processing concepts for efficient and sustainable food chain. Emilia is also exploring how cellular agriculture, i.e. biotechnical food production can be used for future food production. She’s eager to rethink the existing processes from the beginning and develop even disruptive technologies to build a sustainable and wellbeing society for all the continents on the planet.

Janna Cropotova (speaker and sub-moderator)
Associate Professor, NTNU – Norway
A new European project IMPRESSIVE – Improved Processing to Enhance Seafood Side Stream Valorization and Exploration
Janna Cropotova is Associate Professor at the Department of Biological Sciences Ålesund of Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She was awarded a PhD degree in 2016 in Food Technology and has gained 10-year R&D R&D experience in the field of food science, innovation and technology. Her areas of scientific interest include: preservation of nutritional quality and health benefits in food (particularly seafood) products during processing and storage, development of novel methods for rapid and non-invasive assessment of food deterioration, extraction of valuable ingredients from fish side streams, and shelf-life prediction.
In 2020 Janna Cropotova worked as Invited EFSA Expert at Unit on Biological Hazards and Contaminants, Risk Assessment and Scientific Assistance Department of EFSA. She is author of 44 scientific publications in international peer review journals, 2 book chapters, and 7 patents. In addition, from 2022 Janna Cropotova is a project leader of BlueBio ERA-NET project “IMPRESSIVE” on innovative valorization of seafood side streams

Eva Nordberg
Lund University – Sweden
Circularity in the food system

Claus Heiner Bang-Berthelsen
Senior Scientist, DTU National Food Institute – Denmark
Using microbial diversity for valorization of side-streams
Claus’ research is based at DTU National Food Institute in the research group of Microbial Biotechnology and Biorefining. His focus is on the development and utilization of the in-house microbial strain collection containing more than 2500 isolates from different biological niches. A general theme has been the interest in applications that have benefit for society as developing plant based alternatives, functional foods and food additives. Additionally, the strains have been put into play for developing plant-based solutions for dairy alternatives by developing starter cultures and process. Another central theme is finding commercial relevant solutions making better use of side- streams from the industry through fermentation.

Giovanni De Grandis
Centre coordinator and leader of the AFINO pilot projects, AFINO, NTNU
Food waste reduction in Norway: from data collection to (collective) action? The ambition of the Food Waste Reduction Pathways and Index (PAX)
Giovanni is the coordinator of the AFINO research network and the leader of AFINO pilot projects, which are experiments in new ways of generating and sharing knowledge and foresight through transdisciplinary collaborations. A philosopher by training, Giovanni has worked in applied, inter- and trans-disciplinary research for more than a decade. His research has spanned across diverse topics like digital publishing and digital repositories, to public health, personalised medicine and pharmaceutical regulations.

Harald Sverdrup
Professor of Systems Dynamics – Game School, Inland Norway University – Norway
Norwegian Food System in a Secure, Resilient, and Sustainable Nordic Region: A System Dynamics Perspective
Harald’s work has been concentrated on assessment of sustainability for a range of natural or man-made systems. He has done basic research in the fields of silicate weathering, mineral dissolution kinetics, soil chemistry, biogeochemistry of tree and plant growth in natural systems, biomedical dynamics and biodiversity mechanisms. He developed systems dynamics models for global resource supply and its effects on the world economy. Harald was Entrepreneur of the year in Norway in 2012 and has started many companies.

Damien Jourdan
Director of Open Innovation and Community animation – Danone
Damien has been working at Danone to foster open innovation, building ties with start-ups & innovations ecosystems to generate business opportunities. Previously he led positions in R&D, new technology and open innovation for FMCG brands in Italy, U.K. & France.

Susanna Winblad
Sustainability strategist – Region Skåne, Sweden
Circular food systems – a regional perspective
Susanna is a Sustainability strategist focusing on transition towards a circular economy. She has studied cultural geography and eco-technology at Lund University. She has extensive experience in social development and sustainability issues. Prior to her position at Region Skåne, she was the chairperson of “Sustainable Development Skåne”, which is a non-partisan and non-profit organisation promoting dialog between various actors in the region.

Kristine Rise
Project leader, Oi! Trøndelag Foods and Beverages, Trondheim, Norway
Working together for strengthening the food region of Mid Norway
Kristine Rise works as a project leader in Oi!, a company dedicated to strengthening the food region. Together with a tight partnership, Oi! is an important development actor and is the initiator of several activities for the visibility and development of the work in the food region. Through various approaches, we work with food and drink producers, the processing industry, research, tourism and the public sector. Rise is educated in Political Science from NTNU, and has long experience in organizational development work, from international to local level.

Stefan Hellstrand
Director Nolby Ekostrategi – Kil, Sweden
Stefan Hellstrand is the Director at Nolby Ekostrategi and will join the panel discussions as a panellist. He holds a PhD in Energy and environmental engineering, PhLic Systems ecology – Natural resource management and MSc Agriculture – Animal husbandry. He has during four decades combined academic work with advanced consultancy.

Cindie Christiansen
Founder & Executive Director Foodprint Nordic Denmark
Federico Gómez Galindo
Professor, Lund University – Sweden
Emerging technologies for sustainable food processing
Federico was born in Quito, Ecuador. He received a Ph.D. in Food Engineering from Lund University in 2004. He is currently Professor at the Department of Food Technology, Engineering and Nutrition of Lund University in Sweden and Director of PlantLink, a research network of plant and food scientists. His research interests include emerging technologies (pulsed electric fields, vacuum impregnation) for the processing of fruit and vegetables, with strong focus on metabolic consequences of processing and plant stress physiology.

Eva Falch
Head of NTNU Food Forum & Asossiate Professor, NTNU – Norway
The stakeholder collaboration model of EIT Food Project Manager Legal Advice & Funding at EIT Food CLC North-East European Institute of Innovation & Technology
Eva Falch is a food scientist with a main professional aim to improve the utilization of food resources by using green technologies. She has a PhD in biotechnology from NTNU and a master’s in food science. She has gained her experience from working in the food and biotech industry, research institute and academia. In all jobs she has collaborated with students.
Today she is head of the multidisciplinary NTNU food Forum that is a cross faculty forum comprising expertise from the whole university. She is currently vice-president of the Management Board of the European Food Forum, member of the Scientific Advisory Board for JPI A healthy diet for a healthy life and board member in innovative companies and a national profession board.
Eva has a strong engagement for sustainable food, multi-actor collaboration and student as changing agents.

Kristi Ekrann Aarak
R&D Project Manager, GC Rieber Oil – Norway
Exploring the change into Nordic raw materials from a company perspective
Kristi Aarak is a R&D project manager at GCRieber Vivomega AS with expertise in omega-3 fatty acids and food production. Currently working on projects aiming to establish new raw materials and develop new process methods in the potential expansion of the product portfolio in the business.

Mirva Lampinen
Co-Creation Manager, VTT – Finland
Startup ecosystem building to Nordics with accelerator program EIT FAN
Mirva Lampinen is VTT´s Co-Creation Manager who is leading Food and Beyond innovation ecosystem. Which aim is create a positive impact on the people, the planet and the business by bringing to life innovative food solutions and beyond. Ecosystem has multiple actions such as EIT Food accelerator program´s Helsinki hub, which now running the third year. Ecosystem also supports plant protein innovation under national protein cluster action. Before VTT she has been working on food industry different development roles related product development, nutrition and food legislation.

Justyna Kulawik-Dutkowska
Project Manager Legal Advice & Funding at EIT Food CLC North-East European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Food – Belgium
The stakeholder collaboration model of EIT Food
Dr. Kulawik-Dutkowska is a legal counsel with many years of experience in research and development, innovation, and state aid. Ph.D. in management sciences, specializing in legal risk management, especially in R&D projects carried out jointly by the business and science sectors, and in corporate governance.
Since 2017 at EIT Food CLC North-East, where she supports cooperation between business and science to transform the agri-food system in the region. Previously, she had worked in Polish and EU public administration, the science sector, and consulting.

Gustav Myraune
RÅGO, Company – Norway
Local foodbox & logistics done in small scale business, fresh vegetables to consumers
Gustav Myraune is founder and general manager of Trondheims Kjøkkenhage AS. Gustav and the people in RÅGO are passionate about local food. Their aim is to create local food enjoyment and enthusiasm for seasonal local food. Gustav believes it is important that we eat the food where it is made – it is the only truly sustainable option in the long run. Gustav has a strong commitment to the green environment at Frosta, and sits on the board of Oi! Trøndersk Mat og Drikke.

Marte von Krogh
Manager of the advisory service, Matvalget – Norway
Making public meals matter – how to transform the food system through capacity building in public schools
Marte works as manager of the advisory service Matvalget, and collaborates with several of the country’s county councils, including Trøndelag, to introduce sustainable meals. Matvalget works at system level, through practical measures, and has an interdisciplinary team with broad expertise. Marte has a master’s degree from the Centre for Development and Environment, University of Oslo.

Mirna Habuda-Stanic
Professor University of Osijek – Croatia
The case of international student GREEN Conference
Mirna Habuda-Stanić works as a full professor at the University of Osijek, Croatia, where she teaches several subjects related to ecology and water management. Her research is mainly focused on water treatments and water quality monitoring. Since 2015, she serves as a civil expert for contamination of water in NATO. From 2021 she is EU Taiex Expert Educator in the area of water and environment. Mirna initiated and organized two international conferences: International Conference WATER FOR ALL (since 2011) and International Student GREEN Conference (since 2018). She is also dedicated to the improvement of knowledge transfer between research institutions and the public.
Mirna published over fifty scientific and professional papers. She is also the editor of several books of abstracts and proceedings. During the past decades, she did her professional training in France, Ireland, Turkey, Finland, Portugal, the USA, and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway (2018).

Kari Helgetun Langfoss
Assistant Professor, NTNU – Norway
Sustainable food from students’ perspective – dialogue with NTNU students
Kari Helgetun Langfossand work as an assistant professor at the Department of Biotechnology and Food Science at NTNU. She is responsible for subjects such as Food, processing technology and sustainability (1st grade), practical studies (2nd grade) and Milk and vegetables (3rd grade). At NTNU there is a a long tradition for student internship, where the student can choose from a range of food actors all over the country and even abroad for a 5-month period. The students are closely followed up by their supervisors at the university and in the companies. Kari Helgetun Langfoss also participate in various master’s courses. Her subject area is dairy technology and she supervise students who choose this area in their bachelor’s or master’s thesis.
In addition to her teaching and mentoring of students both at NTNU and Trøndelag University and Vocational College (THYF), she has held courses for apprentices in TINE in connection with their diploma in industrial food production as well as courses for newly established and established local food producers in the production of various dairy products.
Before she started out her academic career she had some years working with quality improvement in Norwegian food industry. This experience and the experience she gained from collaboration with food industry and local food producers in her current job gives her valuable knowledge and experience which are essential in several of her courses.

Bent Egberg Mikkelsen
Professor University of Copenhagen – Denmark
Capacity building for the food sector
Bent Egberg Mikkelsen is a professor at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management at University of Copenhagen. His research is on strategies for Urban Food & Farming and Urban Food Strategies with a focus on civic engagement, socio-ecological approaches and change and learning strategies. He is a M.Sc. of Food Science from the Royal Agricultural University, Copenhagen and a PhD in Social Science, from Roskilde University.
Coming from a professorship at the Dept of Culture and Learning at Aalborg University he has been doing extensive research in science education and involvement of pupils at school. He has worked as developer of the learning and lab concepts of Gastronarium, the Alimentarium, the Food’n Science, the Young Minds Food Lab, the next Generation Food Makers Space and the Young Food Waste Fighters Club. All are targeted developing 21st century skill-based didactics for young people at school and based on STEM and digital principles. And all with challenges from the food and bioeconomy as cases. Bent is the PI of the SELEA21 and SESAM programs and most recently the SESAM21 program, a program that focuses on how foodsystems thinking can be integrated in the STEM, science and digital learning.

Per Hansson
SLU, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – Sweden

Sophie Kendler
PhD Candidate, NTNU – Norway
Sophie is a PhD candidate at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Biotechnology and Food Science in Trondheim. She received her master’s degree in food technology and nutrition from the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in 2017. Her PhD project deals with little utilised marine resources, focusing on European plaice and other flatfish.
The work includes the chemical and nutritional characterisation as well as risk-benefeti assessment and technological solutions for the utilisation of the whole raw material, including by-products. Next to her PhD, Sophie is a lecturer in Biochemistry at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten and a council member of the Young EFFoST (European Federation of Food Science and Technology), a networking platform for early-career food scientists and food professionals.